Welcome to Brothers4life,
Men have lamented the difficulty in both making and keeping man friendships, a sentiment I fully sympathize with. Once you’re out of college, and especially if you get married and move, it becomes rather hard to make new friends and maintain the bond with your old pals. I struggled with this problem myself, and so while I won’t claim to be an expert with all the answers, I have spent some time talking with other men and brainstorming ideas for how men can make and keep solid man friendships. Where men can change friendship and convert friendship to Brotherhood where they become Brothers4Life. Once you have made friends, whether they are recent acquaintances or buds from first grade, you have to put in some work to keep the bonds alive. In the 19th century, men built their friendships around intense emotional bonds. These days guys like to centre their friendships on activities. Any relationship, including the man friendship, needs communication to survive. Most guys aren’t big on having heart to hearts. Spending regular time together, even without much talking can be enough. But if you move to different locales, you’ll have to make some kind of effort to stay in touch. Guys generally don’t enjoy talking on the phone, We have come up with some activity ideas to keep you in touch with your Brothers4life. Men experience the greatest bond when they are working together towards a common purpose, when they become Brothers4Life. The same is true whether you’re storming Gorai Beach or simply living the suburban life. So set a goal to attain with your friend or a group of friends. Decide to run a marathon or compete in a triathlon, quit smoking, or lose weight. You and your friend can help keep one another honest, make sure to set up a system to ensure accountability. For example, if you’re training for a race, make it a rule that you must email or message each other your run times every day. Whether you live in the same town or across the country, establishing a mutual goal will force you to stay in touch and have regular contact, while at the same time helping one another you become better and stronger men. Competition in life can drive people apart, a friendly competition among men can bring them together. Create a competition with your friends and set a friendly wager, something a bit embarrassing for the loser is always fun and will keep the group motivated. This can be something trivial like a beard growing contest or something serious like abstaining from porn or stop smoking /drinking. The competition will ensure you regularly check in on each other and have something to talk about (even if it’s trash talking).
We are completely aware that my brothers cannot just indulge or just start ignoring the fact that they have priorities, work and families to attend to, we have therefore started this site in a manner where you can make new friends and make them Brothers4Life with just a click away, where you can be yourself, you save all your time of travelling but still have fun, helping yourself, helping other Brothers, Earning a healthy income by helping others, increasing your popularity, and just having fun with the serious routine life that you have been living till date.